GAR Airborne Clone Trooper (2)
Basic info

First appearance: Revenge of the Sith


Clone paratroopers, also known as clone airborne troopers, were clone troopers who were specially-trained for high-altitude drops using special parachutes and equipment. These airborne troopers were developed at some point during the Clone Wars and served within the Grand Army of the Republic. At the time, they were involved in fighting against the Separatist Droid Army. In the final days of the Clone Wars, the 212th Attack Battalion deployed clone airborne troopers on the planet Utapau during a battle when General Grievous's base was discovered on that planetoid. In 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine executed Clone Protocol 66 which identified all Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Shortly after, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader, was sent to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to kill all remaining Jedi survivors with his elite clone trooper unit known as the 501st Legion. During the purge of the Jedi Temple, it was said that the 501st deployed an elite unit of clone paratroopers to assist them.
See also

Complete list

Utapau Trooper 2nd Airborne Company : 212th Attack Battalion : Utapau
SWM Champions of the Force
Militaries of Star Wars
Utapau Trooper
2nd Airborne Company : 212th Attack Battalion : Utapau
Tags (2)

2nd Airborne Company | 212th Attack Battalion

Tags (2)

2nd Airborne Company | 212th Attack Battalion

Battle of Utapau (ROTS)
Battle of Utapau (ROTS)

Last updated: 05.09.2021 12:15:09